Best Practices of Acquiring New MRR Clients for MSPs Webinar
Driving the Growth Engine Of New Clients Each Month

Broadcast Date:
 June 7th, 2018
Most MSPs will face a crossroad in their business. They will hit a sales ceiling that they won’t be able to surmount with their current business model.
Change begins with the owners commitment to change their business. This commitment must be informed by a plan and transformation blueprint, so they know what commitment means and willingly embrace it.
Learn how the owners of MSPs are attracting 2 new MRR clients and growing revenue by 33% a year. As clients of our Sales Transformation Program, they are following a proven blueprint to build a formidable sales engine:
  • What owners must learn how to lead sales
  • Why weekly discovery meetings are the only metric that matters
  • How to pursue the 7 pillars of generating discovery meetings

1. Volume prospecting (telephone, lead nurturing, direct mail)
2. Surgical prospecting (using a variety of methods to reach a short, hit list of prospects)
3. Alliances (partnering with a small set of companies who can refer multiple opportunities on a regular basis,
    vendors, adjacent IT players, accounting firms, etc)
4. Associations (must have a clear business development plan and sales objectives)
5. Systematic referral generation: Planned, proactive and routine
6. In-bound, SEO and digital: Do the basics, but do them faithfully
7. Eco-system of events and training offerings: Enhance relationships and demonstrate value.

  • Why you need a dedicated prospector
  • How to treat prospects as if they are already a client in the sales process
  • Hire top talent (and being ready to coach, develop and manage)
  • Operating as a team

This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.

Building the Value of Your Business Webinar
8 Things That Drive a Company's Value

Broadcast Date:  
April 4th, 2018

If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you use your Profit & Loss (P&L) statement as your report card at the end of the year. You may even use your P&L to figure out what your company is worth by applying a multiple to your profit. But having worked with more than 30,000 entrepreneurs using The Value Builder System™, we’ve seen examples of companies that fetch up to three times more than the average price for companies in their industry.

Whether you want to sell your business – or just know that you could – you’ll learn the eight things that drive the value of your company and suggestions on how to dramatically increase the value of your business.
During this session, we’ll look at how to:

  • Structure your business to maximize its value.
  • How the size of your business affects its value.
  • Accelerate the pace of positive word-of-mouth for your business, using the same techniques as companies like Eventbrite, Intuit, Google, and Apple.
  • Minimize your company’s reliance on your personal involvement.
This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.

5 Things You Can Do Now to Make 2018 an Epic Year Webinar
Presenter: Terry Hedden, CEO of Marketopia
Broadcast Date: February 1, 2018
Marketing, the generation of new leads, is one of the biggest challenges for MSPs. Join us as our partner, Marketopia's Terry Hedden, presents on:
1) Know Your Goal & What it is Worth to You
2) Know What Achieving Your Goal is Worth to You
3) Implementing a Marketing Program that Generates Leads
4) Internal/External Execution Pros and Cons
5) Metrics to Ensure the Investment Is Paying Off
This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.

Drinking from the Fire Hose Webinar
Taming Information Overload from ConnectWise Manage
Broadcast Date: January 25, 2018
Are you overwhelmed with information coming from Manage? Does your team have rules to put Manage emails into a special folder, never to be seen again? If you feel like you have a wealth of data, but it isn't driving effective action, this is the webinar for you. Join us where we will discuss how to implement a deliberate information strategy with ConnectWise Manage, using a combination of mediums, to ensure the right people see the right information at the right time.
This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.