How To Solve People, Process, and Traction Problems with EOS Webinar
Presented By:  Ryan Giles, Professional EOS Implementer

  July 25th, 2018
Time:  1:00pm ET / 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT / 10:00am PT
Solving critical issues using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)!
Have you ever experienced any of these issues?
People Issues – Hiring and retaining the right people, getting them to do what they’re best at, and getting rid of the wrong people.
Process Problems – Delivering consistent (and profitable) results to every client with every tech…treating the business like a franchise instead of a hobby, so we can scale.
Lack of Clarity – Where are we going and how are we going to get there?  Getting everyone in the company rowing in the same direction.
No Traction – So many times, we know what to do, but we don’t get it done.  How do we “do the things” to make the business grow?

The good news is that all of these can be solved with the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (I know because I solved these same problems in my own MSP using EOS®).  Learn how EOS can help you in this webinar. 

This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.

7 Tips for Pricing Your Services to Maximize Profitability Webinar
Presented By:  Mike Walsh, Co-Founder, Socket: Online Quoting Software

  July 24th, 2018
Time:  1:00pm ET / 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT / 10:00am PT
Why you should probably be charging more for your managed services.
How do you price your managed services? It’s a question faced by every MSP at some point.
Question:  Have you ever underpriced your services to get the contract?
Question:  Do you have to rethink your pricing every time you send a proposal?
Question:  Are your prospects ever confused by your service offering?
If these questions sound familiar, join us for a discussion with Mike Walsh from Socket on:
  • Avoiding managed service pricing pitfalls
  • How to pick the right pricing model for your market
  • Example pricing models used by best-in-class MSPs
  • How to standardize and automate service pricing and quoting

This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.

E&O Insurance for TBG Members Webinar
Presented By:  Justin Reinmuth, Founder and CEO of techrug

  July 19th, 2018
Time:  1:00pm ET / 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT / 10:00am PT
We at techrug are THE specialists in Cyber Liability Errors & Omissions insurance.
For a couple of years now, we have had members approach us looking for a resource to secure Cyber Liability Errors & Omissions insurance to adequately protect their business. We understand that finding the right agent or agency that understands the risks presented to an MSP or MSSP can be tough.
We are happy to announce a partnership with techrug (The Technology Risk Underwriting Group) that will allow active members access to a discounted Cyber Liability Errors & Omissions insurance policy.
Join us on July 19th at 1:00pm ET for a webinar where we will review the program, features & benefits (extending Cyber to your clients to protect their business), and answer any questions.
What will be covered:

  • Discounted E&O Pricing
  • Additional Limit of Defense Coverage
  • CyberBreach insurance available to Members' clients – Members will have the capability to have a client secure $500K in CyberBreach coverage as long as that client remains an active client of the MSP.  Every single one of our Members' clients’ needs their own.
  • CyberBreach Insurance to protect themselves from claims arising out of the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information (Driver’s License Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, Email Addresses, and more) or Protected Health Information (Account Numbers, Medical Record Numbers, Insurance Beneficiary Numbers, and more) due to a Staff Mistake, Theft of Hardware, a Rogue Employee, Lost or Stolen Laptop or Device, and other causes of loss.
  • Access to a suite of legal documents and reduced fees for legal consultation on IT issues that impact your business. These legal documents (Master Services Agreement, Waiver Letter, Statement of Work, Break-Fix Agreement, Employee Manual, and more) have been reviewed by a law firm and the E&O coverage attorneys that wrote the policy form to help minimize your exposure and/or liability. Clients report back that this has provided them a savings of around $10,000 in legal expenses.

This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.

Accounting for Operations Management Used by Top Performing MSPs Webinar
Presented By:  Morris Stemp, CPA, MBA, CPHIMS, Partner and CFO at StratX IT Solutions

  July 18th, 2018
Time:  1:00pm ET / 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT / 10:00am PT
Accounting is not just for taxes. Learn how to use the financial data in your accounting system to manage and value your business.
Are you confused and confounded by accounting requirements?  Do you feel that your income statement does not make sense from month to month?  Does it seem that your PSA and QuickBooks are not talking the same financial language?  If you want to use meaningful financial intelligence about your MSP to start running your MSP, or if you’re looking to sell your MSP, your books need to be in shape and the numbers have to make sense.
Most MSP owners do not have a degree in accounting and may not know how to achieve this goal.  During this webinar, Morris Stemp, former CFO of a NYC based 50 person MSP, will talk about the basic accounting principles he follows in managing the accounting activities at an MSP.  Morris is a former CPA and an MBA and specializes in consulting with clients on the evaluation, selection, and implementation of accounting systems.
What will be covered:

  • Why is having a “good” set of books important? 
  • List attributes of “good” as basis for discussion of next topics.
  • Overview of the structure of chart of accounts.
  • Overview of accounting equation.
  • Cash vs accrual basis accounting.
  • Proper transaction recording.
  • Income statement analysis: One or two important metrics to know.
  • Client ranking spreadsheet.

If you sign up by Tuesday July 10th, Morris will conduct a free 15 minute consult and review of your accounting systems before the webinar.

This webinar was hosted at GoToWebinar.