D.I.S.C. Profiling for Success Special Services
A Proven Way to Match Jobs and Talent

Jobs --- and the talents of the people who fill them --- are the building blocks of business success.  For your businesses to excel, it’s essential to focus on identifying better ways to secure the talent necessary for optimum performance and productivity in specific jobs.

It is clear that candidates have unique behaviors and motivators that can be matched to specific jobs… but seldom are!!  The challenge is to discover the talents required by a job and then match them to the talents of your candidates. The bottom line is that the right talent in the right job equals top performance, greater employee satisfaction and high retention levels.

To assist you in this job/candidate talent matching process, Taylor Business Group introduced our “Success by Selection Assessment” program.  The patented process uncovers job-related behaviors and motivators and provides feed-back to help you to understand why they are necessary for superior performance. The Job/Talent comparison process will produce questions that can be used as a guide in crafting applicable job-specific questions for an interview and generate a personalized assessment that will measure the behavioral style and workplace motivators of candidates. As a result, comparing candidate talents to job talent requirements is straight-forward.

The SBS Assessment service utilizes the validated, reliable TTI Success Insights™ Report provided by TTI, Ltd. --- an international organization with a proven track record along with the highly acclaimed DISC Personality Assessment Report.  This report is  used in the job matching process but also has application once the hiring process in complete since the behavioral and motivational insights in the report can be used with new employees for coaching, talent development and performance appraisals.

DISC stands for Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness and Conscientious. The behavior of most of the population is a combination of two or more styles; therefore, to refer to someone merely as a High D is useful in describing only their primary or core behavior. The first step of learning the DISC language is to learn the Pure Styles (High D, High I, High S, and High C) and be able to recognize a person’s primary behavior and adapt accordingly.

We tested 10 each of the most successful technical and sales talent from our client base. From that testing not only were standard benchmarks for behavioral style established but were also able to provide motivator factor benchmarks to help determine the most effective management techniques for prospective or current employees.


Without Consultation

With Consultation







Service Management






If you would like to speak with someone directly about Taylor Business Group’s Special Services, please contact Dennis O'Connell at (331) 251-1278, or email Dennis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) for our members has increased by four percentage points in their first two years. This translates to an extra $40,000 of income for every $1,000,000 of top-line revenue for our members. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!