Premium Webinars Overview
Live Online Training for Technology Executives

A prime objective of Taylor Business Group is to help our clients to build the competencies they need to grow their revenue and improve profitability. Often, talent and skills are the gateways to game changing improvements in the business.

To accomplish this objective, we are committed to bring you the most effective and thorough training for owners, services leaders, sales executives, client account managers and administrative managers.

To deliver this training in the most accessible and cost-effective manner, we are offering live-web based training sessions. This allows us to combine direct access to the top subject matter experts, leverage best practices amongst the client base and allow for the interaction required for the best training experience.

Sessions typically are scheduled in two-hour blocks and in monthly sessions. This allows for application, coaching and learning between sessions.

Your investment in time and budget in this training will have a clear and direct impact on your business.
If you would like to speak with someone directly about Taylor Business Group’s Premium Webinars, please contact Michael Cummings at (630) 442-1409, or email Michael at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) for our members has increased by four percentage points in their first two years. This translates to an extra $40,000 of income for every $1,000,000 of top-line revenue for our members. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!