Mergers and Acquisitions Special Services
Acquisition Acceleration Program for MSPs

A 12-month program to buy and integrate an acquisition In The IT Managed Services Market. (Limited to 10 Participants for our January 2018 Kickoff)
It is no secret that acquisitions within the MSP industry are occurring at a record pace and higher multiples are being paid out. This consolidation will accelerate.
Why? Many MSPs have hit a sales plateau that they aren’t able to surmount. Other owners are aging out and looking to move on to the next opportunity. A substantial number have not been able to drive the ROI they need on a consistent and sustainable basis. And the day to day risk to reward realities often become overwhelming in time.
Targeting The Right Acquisitions, Getting It Done, and Reaping The Benefits
Within the Taylor Business Group client base, acquisitions are a proven way to achieve rapid and profitable growth – if done in a professional and disciplined manner.
However, here is what we see in our industry:
  • MSP owners lack a formal and intentional process for finding companies to acquire, pursue and integrate into their business
  • This lack of an explicit and aggressive acquisition process means that many MSPs miss the opportunities to dramatically grow their business
  • This lack of readiness can lead to wasting time, making bad deals or failing to achieve the expected ROI and anticipated synergies
The Structure Of The Acquisition Acceleration Program
This program is unique and leverages the cumulative experience of the Taylor Business Group client base.
The program has been designed by Michael France and Michael Cummings – with the help and support of our clients who have made multiple successful acquisitions in the MSP business.
The program combines four workshops to train you have to find the right acquisition, close the deal and integrate the acquisition. Then, we develop an action plan for each participant and execute the plan on a week to week and month to month basis.
Our training, hands-on coaching; access to best practices and peer group accountability turns the desire for an acquisition into an intentional business process for you. This can be a game changer for you in 2018.
How it works:
  • The group is intended for MSPs that want to aggressively pursue an acquisition in the next year to 18 months
  • Taught by Michael France, Michael Cummings, and MSP owners have had made several successful acquisitions during the past few years
  •  The structure of the program
    • Onboarding process to ensure that you are ready to acquire
    • 12-18 month program of both workshops and coaching (four workshops and monthly coaching to execute your acquisition plan)
      • Onboarding: Includes a valuation of your company and complete of a readiness assessment (Value Builder, plus review session with our coaches) –including RTP if not a current client
      • Four working sessions to build your acquisition competency
        • Plan: Understanding the process, key steps and skills required for successful acquisitions
        • Finding deals: How to prospect and network with owners to find willing sellers that fit your acquisition profile
        • Pursuing and closing deals: Understand the key steps and milestones (LOI; DD; Close) and how to execute each step with no surprises or mis-steps
        • Integrating the acquisition: How to efficiently transition customers, employees and other assets into your operation and achieve your operational and financial performance targets
      • Monthly coaching to help execute the plan and be accountable for both effort and results
      • Group accountability calls to ensure that all members are putting in the desired effort and making the progress they desire
Your investment:
The program requires a $3,800 investment for the onboarding process and a $1,800 monthly investment for 12-18 months. For this investment, you will find the right deal, close it, and achieve the desired synergies.
If you would like to speak with someone directly about Taylor Business Group’s Mergers and Acquisition services, please contact Michael Cummings at (630) 442-1409, or email Michael at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) for our members has increased by four percentage points in their first two years. This translates to an extra $40,000 of income for every $1,000,000 of top-line revenue for our members. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!