Mark Miller
Executive Business Coach, Taylor Business Group
Mark Miller began his career in business development and marketing with national advertising and consulting companies based both in South Florida and Atlanta. His acumen is rooted at an early age in having the opportunity to work with a cross-section of consumer and B2B clients that spanned packaged goods, tourism & travel, banking, utilities, automotive, and technology. Working in a capacity to advise, design, create, and build product plans along with sales/ marketing plans afforded Mark insight and high-level exposure to the essence of how to establish solid differentiated programs. His work resulted in leading teams and organizations to realize very successful product launches along with a few company’s market introductions. It was through his client exposure in working with a start-up technology company in the advertising and consulting business where Mark became a managing partner with one of his accounts and joined the ranks of the client side of industry.

Through his tenure in managing organizations in the technology industry he translated his experience and expertise in company and product launches to transpose practices into the channel programs. He led the most successful transformation of a company from strictly serving consumer, B2B, and services into creating a new division to serve the largest business regions for Apple’s VAR channel program. Later he moved to the content segment of the industry where he led and managed very successful teams in the Southeast, East, and U.S. for the technology divisions within formidable publishing companies such as Pearson, Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt, McGraw-Hill, and Scholastic. He led these organizations with significant responsibility – some of them with headcount of over 125 people on his teams and a top-line revenue in excess of $100m.
Mark’s vision and strategic approach in aligning companies and their staff to build collaborative partnerships stimulated significant change for how organizations functioned in the channel business model. He created business development models, secured the largest account acquisitions, recruited the highest excellence in talent, led change agent plans for cross-functional business unit programs, sales organizations, and set numerous records in revenue and profit attainment. At the same time, he gained significant knowledge and skills in operational excellence, managing integration’s, CRM system implementations, and product management investment.

Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) of our members has increased from under 8% to over 12%. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!