Business Improvement Groups Overview
Coming Together to Maximize Your Profits

Business Improvement Groups (or BIGs) consist of 10-12 non-competing members. The group will become a close network of advisors that you can call upon when you have any business issue facing you that you would like input from outside the company. Every member signs a non-disclosure agreement, so whatever is said or presented stays within the group. Members of our BIGs often find our coaching services useful in translating insights gained from the group meetings into tangible results in the business.
Here are some significant facts about the Taylor Business Group's BIGs you should be aware of:
  • BIGs are not management retreats. They are executive management focused reviews and conferences.

  • They are not member lead. They are facilitated by coaches trained in facilitating effective group meetings.

  • BIGs do not involve group techie talk. They focus on business discussions that help implement efficiencies and processes in your business to drive more profits to your bottom line.

  • The group meets twice per year in person for a two-day meeting. The other ten months, the group has a 90-minute conference call.
The agenda for the in-person meetings generally consist of the following:

  • Financial Analysis - If you are participating in an owner (Profit Makers) BIG, you will be asked to upload your financials into our renown Roadmap to Profitability Financial Dashboard. Participants in the Service Managers BIGs will be asked to complete a spreadsheet for uploading. This information is then put onto 30 plus charts with the other members information and our targeted benchmarks to give you a view of how your period-over-period and year-over-year numerical performance of your business compares to others in the group and to the benchmarks. All companies will be represented by a unique letter on all of the charts.

  • Special Topics - There will be one or two special topics that we as a group identify to cover in our meetings. Examples of special topics can be annuity revenues, compensation plans, business systems, specialty products, pricing, sales issues, service issues, disaster recovery, managed services, manufacturer/distributor issues, etc.  The group decides what they are.

  • Objectives - you will be asked to develop company/departmental fiscal year objectives and activities and present them to the group.  These are reviewed during the calls and meetings.  You will present your success in implementing those objectives and activities.

  • Board Presentation - Two members at each conference will be asked to present their company’s performance to the rest of the group as though they were presenting to a board of directors. This is a very positive experience garnering ideas from other members on how to better improve your business.

  • Roundtable Discussion - With the time remaining, we entertain a general roundtable discussion on any topic that a member would like to receive input from the rest of the group on a topic that may not have been covered in the course of the conference. 
We look forward to having you join what is a very successful, productive, rewarding, and popular offering by the Taylor Business Group.
If you would like to speak with someone directly about Taylor Business Group’s Business Improvement Groups, please contact Dennis O’Connell at (331) 251-1278, or email Dennis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Taylor Business Group has been a leader in the IT industry for almost two decades. As evidenced by clients who represent nearly $400,000,000 in annual revenue, Taylor Business Group has developed the metrics and methods that drive business success. The average Net Operating Income (NOI) for our members has increased by four percentage points in their first two years. This translates to an extra $40,000 of income for every $1,000,000 of top-line revenue for our members. That's over $16,000,000 of additional real profit created annually!